Modern Companion

Modern Companion is a platform to give voices to those who go unheard. For my senior design thesis, I wanted to focus on the reoccurring issue of loneliness in the modern era.

It is paradoxical that when we are more connected than ever, we are also lonelier than ever recorded. Yet, with loneliness being a pervasive issue in the modern era, there is still a social stigma.

To gain a better understanding of my topic, I created a survey and observed the data. From the data collected, a significant portion of the survey participants experienced or are experiencing loneliness, showing that loneliness is indeed prevalent in this age.

In addition, I asked the participants to describe in their own words what loneliness means to them and what they do to alleviate the feeling.

The main objective of my thesis was to raise awareness on the ever-present issue of loneliness in the modern day. To do this,
I wanted to elevate different individual's experiences of loneliness, encouraging other people to come forth with their experiences.
More conversations about loneliness need to occur to eliminate the stigma.

To individualize each experience, I turned to Processing, generating 100 different blob shapes based on the same circle.

This speaks to the definition of loneliness. While it is a universal experience, each individual experience is different,
making it a subjective feeling. Therefore, there isn't a wrong or correct answer to what classifies as loneliness.


BFA Exhibition


Rei Chen